Infertility Solutions

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Breast Augmentation

Many women would like to take advantage of breast augmentation in one way or other. Many do not like the shape or size of their breast. Others are looking to have them match better. Augmentation can work to help you in any of these situations. You will find that you can make some serious improvements in your body’s look with these changes. But, what does it all mean to you? Should you be worried that something can go wrong, and how do you find someone to do the work?

Considerations in breast augmentation:

• First, get the consultation. Call your family doctor first and ask for a recommendation or you can look for those that are on your insurance plan. If you need additional help, interview and talk to several surgeons until you find one that fits your needs. You need experience, communication and also a good explanation what the results will be. You want someone that you trust and feel comfortable with.

• Get a few consultations. This is serious work that is going to cost you serious money! Make sure that what you want is what the doctor’s are going to provide as well.

• Talk to them about your health and don’t level things out. Also, find out what risks are involved in breast augmentation. What guarantee will they provide or won’t they?

• Ask any and all questions that you may have. Having all of your questions and fears taken care of will allow you to feel better about what is going to happen.

You will also want to talk about the emotional side of this as well. While you want your body to look good is the question. If you are able to understand that people are going to treat you different and that if something should go wrong it may look worse, then you can keep moving on. Getting a bit of counseling to insure your ability to deal with these outcomes of breast augmentation is necessary.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Woman's Health

Have you ever been told by your doctor that your "aches and pains" are in your head?
Increasingly, more women are coming to discover that they have needlessly suffered for years because many health providers are not aware of unique medical conditions that affect women.
Despite the increase of women-specific health research, the idea of equating women's and men's health still exists.
The situation is continually improving, but a lot more "women specific research" needs to be started.
As a result, women are at risk for an increased number of incorrect diagnoses, some of which can be fatal.
Clearly women are different then men in many ways.

Consider just a few health differences between men and women:

* Men and women display different symptoms of heart attack. Chest pain is most common in men while women's symptoms are subtler, often characterized by generalized fatigue, abdominal pain and nausea.
* Men and women absorb and excrete some drugs in different ways and at different rates. Some drugs are more effective in women while others have more severe side effects in women than in men.
* Women may be more susceptible than men to the cancer causing properties of cigarette smoke.

More importantly, women are more sexually sophisticated than men!
If you're a women with an unsatisfying sex life or looking to take your sexual fulfilment to the next level you need to look beyond the next "Female Viagra". more...

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Article by Erik Kampe M.S

Monday, September 26, 2005

Healthful Tips for women

It is a herculean task to manage home, children, family and a demanding job, and at the same time look fresh and radiant. Many women who juggle different roles forget to take care of their diet. All women must take care no matter how busy they are:

) Always eat some fruit for breakfast because it gives the required energy to detoxify and aids in the elimination of wastes effectively.
2) Drink enough water, cut down tea, coffee to two cups in the day and substitute them by herbal drinks like jasmine, chamoile tea, which are great for skin hydration and a young looking skin.
3) With age, cut down on cereals and eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep the weight off.
4) Walk and do stretches to keep your body supple, slim, youthful and full of energy.
5) Cut down on smoking and alcohol as it ages the skin fast. more

Click here for Real Weight Loss Secrets

Article source Ashley Green

Friday, September 23, 2005

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

How can you tell if you are pregnant? There are a number of signs and symptoms to watch for. Chances are you will only experience a portion of the symptoms. Each pregnancy is different, and the same mom to be can experience different pregnancy signs each time she gets pregnant.

Pregnancy symptoms can begin for some mothers immediately after conception. Some pregnancy signs require that you chart your cycle, noting your daily basal body temperature. more

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Article by Elleth Faewen

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why You should Exercise Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

1. They are the best way of beating stress incontinence
One in three women who have ever had a baby experience stress incontinence at some point in their lives, when ordinary activities such as laughing, sneezing or jumping cause them to lose small amounts of urine. Sometimes the symptoms appear immediately after delivery, but for many women, years pass before they notice they have a problem.
Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to wear pads for ever. Over two-thirds of women who try pelvic floor exercises - and do them properly - are cured of their stress incontinence, without the need for drugs or surgery.

2. They improve sexual response
The pelvic floor muscles are directly responsible for the amount of sensation a woman feels during intercourse, and for the amount of grip felt by her partner.
Exercise improves muscle tone, which means that the muscle is tighter, so is stretched more during intercourse. Strong, firm muscles have more nerve endings, and more nerve endings mean more sensations.
Rhythmic contractions of the pelvic floor contribute to arousal the ability to achieve orgasm. Many women report they are able to reach orgasm more easily, and that their orgasms are more powerful, after a pelvic floor exercise program.

3. They contribute to an easier labour and better recovery after childbirth
Over half of pregnant woman experience stress incontinence, with symptoms commonly persisting for a year after the birth. Even twelve months later, one woman in five still has symptoms that will worsen over the years.
Pelvic floor strengthening exercises, either before or during early pregnancy, can significantly reduce the risk of stress incontinence later. Research shows that the strength of the pelvic floor at twenty weeks of pregnancy is an excellent indicator of the likelihood of stress incontinence later.
And the best news of all for pregnant women is that a pelvic floor exercise program during pregnancy has been shown to have a positive effect on labour.

4. They are an excellent defence against urge incontinence, common amongst women in their later years
Urge incontinence is the most common form of incontinence in women over 70, leading to major unwanted changes in lifestyle for many women, and even to nursing home admission.
Urge incontinence is a complex problem, with many contributing factors, but a strong pelvic floor increases the chances of successful treatment if it does occur. So commitment to a program of effective pelvic floor exercises in earlier decades can be a woman’s best defence against incontinence in old age.

5. They are a vital factor in total fitness
The pelvic floor muscles are hidden from view and can be a significant weakness in an otherwise healthy toned body. Many women who pride themselves on high levels of aerobic fitness are shocked to find that their pelvic floor can let them down in their middle years. Ironically female athletes need to pay particular attention to their pelvic floor muscles as their sporting activities place even more stress on the pelvic floor than day-to-day activities. Yet many fitness trainers neglect the pelvic floor. more

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Article by Linda McClelland

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Vagina Smell?

Throughout your menstrual cycle, it’s normal to have a variety of vaginal discharges. Vaginal discharge can take the form of the non-fertile, viscous- and sticky-type discharge to the very fertile, slippery- and clear-type discharge that occurs close to menstruation.
Abnormal discharges are accompanied by itchiness, raunchy smells, and/ or gray-, yellow- or green-colored discharges.
The second step to restoring your vagina to health involves to ruling out the possibility of having vaginal conditions like bacterial vaginosis, a yeast infection or trichomonas vaginitis. more...

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Article by
Naweko San-Joyz

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Unexplained Infertility

Have you ever noticed how often clinicians use descriptions as if they were a diagnosis? Some common examples are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Idiopathic Hypertension. These say nothing about the cause of the condition and most are probably a mixture of conditions that share common symptoms. Unexplained Infertility has become another of these meaningless descriptions. It is the equivalent of a “medical out basket”; a way of clearing the desk without solving the problem.

I am alarmed by the number of couples who are given the description of Unexplained Infertility, who are nevertheless offered In Vitro Fertilization or some other invasive procedure. This is the equivalent of deciding to re-wire your whole house because you don’t know what is causing the refrigerator to short out. You just wouldn’t accept this for your house. You would consider the cost to be outlandish. You would consider that the electrician was incompetent because he was unable to identify a simple fault. You would also probably go through the house yourself, testing out various appliances and working out which combinations of power points or appliances caused problems. So why do so many couples give in to the ridiculous? More...

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Article by Dr Judy Ford